We offer a couple of ways to donate to Coldwater to continue the mission of fostering hope in our community while providing food and clothing for those in need. Have a look at the options below, and pick the avenue that works best for you. Thanks in advance!
Giving through the mail via Check.
Print the PDF FORM below and mail it to:
838 SW Blue Parkway
Lee's Summit, MO 64063
Donation needs
Food pantry
Creamy peanut butter 16 oz jars
Microwavable pasta with meat cups
Mac & cheese cups
Milk boxes, individual servings, no Refrigeration needed
Fruit cups
Applesauce cups/pouches
Cereal bars (like Nutrigrain)
Fruit snacks
Granola bars
Oatmeal packets
Paper Grocery Sacks
Plastic Grocery Bags
Coldwater needs the following basic food items year-round for distribution. Please follow us on Facebook to see our most current needs. We do request that all food donations are still within their “Best By” date. Please contact our office (816-786-0758) to make arrangements to drop off food.
$500 provides food for 15 Coldwater families at the food pantry twice a month for AN ENTIRE YEAR! If you prefer to make a monetary donation to our Food Pantry - fill out the information above for online giving or mailing donations.
The program runs year-round.
senior mobile pantry
Coldwater welcomes donations for distribution to our homebound population, which includes primarily one- and two-person households.
Please contact our office (816-786-0758) to inquire about the possibility of donating an item and to make arrangements to drop them off.
If you prefer to make a monetary donation to our Food Pantry - fill out the information above for online giving or mailing donations.
The program runs year-round.
Clothes Closet
All sizes welcome
All the items in Coldwater’s Clothes Closet are donated by generous friends of our organization. If you would like to drop off your gently used items, we have an outside drop-off bin conveniently located on the back side of our building. Go to the west end of the complex to access the entrance to the back. Drive toward the fenced-in playground and you will see the drop-off bin marked with Coldwater signage on the right.
The program runs year-round.
coldwater no hungry Kids Food Packs
Creamy peanut butter 16 oz jars
Microwavable pasta with meat cups
Mac & cheese cups
Milk boxes, individual servings, no refrigeration needed
Fruit cups
Applesauce cups/pouches
Cereal bars (like Nutrigrain)
Fruit snacks
Granola bars
Oatmeal packets
Coldwater welcomes food donations for the Coldwater NHK! Food Packs that volunteers assemble onsite during the school year for Lee’s Summit students.
It costs $250 to provide a student with weekend food for a school year. If you would like to make a monetary donation to the Coldwater No Hungry Kids Food Packs program fill out the information above for online giving or mailing donations.
The program is during the school year.
friends day lunch
Do you have catered food items left over from an event?
Do you anticipate having lots of leftovers from a certain upcoming event?
Please contact our office (816-786-0758) to inquire about the possibility of donating them and to make arrangements to drop them off. Coldwater can only accept leftover food items prepared in a kitchen approved by the Health Department and packaged food that has not been opened and that is still within the “Best By” date.
It costs $350 to provide approximately 200 hot meals for one friend’s day lunch. If you prefer to make a monetary donation to our Food Pantry - fill out the information above for online giving or mailing donations.
The program runs year-round.
summer bbq
Lunch sacks - #6, 6"W x 3.63"D x 11.06"H
Individual bags of Doritos, Sun Chips, or Corn Chips
Individual bags of Oreos and Chocolate Chip Cookies
Coldwater begins accepting nonperishable food and supply donations for the Summer BBQs program in late April. Please contact the office (816-786-0758) if you need items collected from a drive picked up or to arrange a time to drop off items.
You can sponsor an entire BBQ Tuesday for $400. If you would like to make a monetary donation to the Summer BBQs program, please click on the DONATE button above.
Program dates: June - July
summer lunches
Paper lunch sacks
Ziplock snack bags
Ziplock sandwich bags
Individual servings of peaches or pears, cups
Individual servings of apples sauce, cups
Individual servings of Jiff peanut butter
Coldwater begins accepting nonperishable food and supply donations for the Summer Lunches program in late April. This is a great opportunity for student groups to organize drives that encourage students to care for their peers who are struggling with food insecurity.
Please contact the office (816-786-0758) if you need items collected from a drive picked up or to arrange a time to drop off donations.
If you would like to make a monetary donation to the Summer Lunches program, you can click the DONATE button above.
Program dates: June - August
Christmas adoptions
Unopened tubes of wrapping paper
New unopened toys
New clothes with tags attached
Gift cards
If you would like to adopt children in the Christmas Adoptions program, please email Coldwater at the beginning of October for more details about the process.
If your church, organization, group, or business would like to host a toy, pajama, sock, or other types of drive for the Christmas Adoptions program, please contact our team at
It costs $75 dollars to adopt a child. If you prefer to make a monetary donation to the Christmas Adoptions program, please click the DONATE button above.
Program dates: October to December
School Supplies Backpack
Pencil pouches
Post It Notes
2-pocket folders
Loose notebook paper
Scissors, blunt and pointed
Wide-rule spiral notebooks
Packs of blue /black pens
Packs of sharpened pencils
Coldwater accepts school supply donations throughout the year and distributes them in backpacks in late July to families who sign up at the Saturday food pantries. If you would like to donate school supplies or children’s backpacks, please email to make arrangements to drop them off.
It costs about $55 dollars to supply a backpack to a child in need. If you prefer to make a monetary donation to the School Supplies program, click the DONATE button above.
Program dates: May - July
Little blessings diaper distribution
Boxes of new diapers
Assorted clean diapers that children have outgrown
Not currently accepting: Cloth diapers
If you would like to donate diapers to Little Blessings, you can call the office (816-786-0758) to make arrangements to drop them off.
It can cost up to $100 per month to provide diapers to a child in need. If you prefer to make a monetary donation to our Little Blessings program, please click the DONATE button above.
The program runs year-round.